Thursday, November 6, 2008

T "likes" school

T told me this morning that he likes this school, which is very good to hear and I didn't expect so soon. It is such a difference from the public school that I know we did the right thing. They have assigned two kids to both M and T, one of each of which speaks English to help guide them around at the new school. The teachers are also speaking English to help explain how everything works. V pointed out that at first M and T didn't realize the teachers were speaking English, they are so used to not understanding what is going on at school they weren't even trying to listen--which illustrates how neglected they had been at the public school. Now we just have to work out a more permanent transportation solution.

PS - I am wearing my Hawaiian shirt to work today to celebrate our new Hawaiian president! (And we had "Hawaiian" ham and pineapple for supper last night.) I've been joking with my German colleagues that now with Obama elected I can return to the US.


David said...

Again, this is great to hear!

David said...

.... well, not the bit about the shirt.