Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Tires and a Petition

In recent news.  We had to get new tires for our van.  The back ones were very worn and I had to keep pumping one up.  It got worse so that I was pumping air in every few days, so we went to costco and got them replaced a couple days ago. 

Also, there was a petition I was asked to sign and I refused.  It was to oppose the proposed repeal of a tax exemption.  I asked who was exempt and was told it was people over 65.  I asked, so retired people aren't paying for public schools, and was told yes.  I told her I'm not signing it.  Why should the richest people not help support public education for our children?  She didn't seem upset at all.  I think she was being paid to collect signatures. 

It frustrates me how little people value education.  The most important things for the future of this country is education.  Everything else, jobs, economy, security, healthcare, energy, ...  stems from a strong education, if you take a long term view.  Cutting education to focus on these other areas is a short term fix that hurts us in the long run. 

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