Monday, February 11, 2013

Rise of the Desktops

I have wanted to build computers for T and M for years now but kept falling short with money keeping up with bills, etc.  Since moving to Hawai'i I have been determined to finally do this.  Last year (Dec. 2011) before Christmas I had T and M pick out computer cases, but the rest of the hardware inside the case will be identical.  I couldn't get them before Christmas but ordered the cases with the first paycheck in Jan. 2012.  The empty cases sat in their rooms all year until now.  This Christmas I got them motherboards, a CPU, and ram for Christmas and we put them together while I explained to the kids what each part does.  (M is really into this and picking it up quickly; she was talking about the difference between RAM and hard drive memory on the drive to school a few days ago.)  Here are some picture of M assembling hers. 

This month we added a power supply and CD/DVD drive.  It was quite a moment to plug it in, push the power button, see the fans come on, then eject the drive tray!  (I know it may not seem like much but... ) 

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