Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Our solar system in more and more detail, the year of dwarf planets

Two unexplored corners of our solar system are coming into focus this year, which seems to be the year of the dwarf planet.  New Horizons is approaching the dwarf planet Pluto, currently about 90 days out from its nearest flyby, and has just started sending back the first fuzzy color images with orbiting Charon (actually Pluto and Charon orbit each other in space as a double dwarf planet) clearly visible.

Expect to see more and more detail into July. I wonder if there will also be good images of the moons, Hydra, Kerberos, Nix, and Styx

Dawn is mapping Ceres in amazing detail, seeing the surface in the image below it is hard to imagine the best we had a few months ago was a fuzzy image of the entire dwarf planet.

NASA has also released a software download to let people explore the surface of the asteroid Vesta, south pole imaged below. 

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