Friday, May 30, 2008


This morning I went back to the "Kreis Haus" and, finally, I got temp (3 month) visas for V and the kids and my work visa stickers in my passport. It takes up two pages! I am quickly running out of room. It is shiny with holograms and lots of colors and official looking seals and a picture of me. I need to renew it in one year. V and the kids only had two weeks left for theirs. Later their 1 year visas will come to put in their passports.

In all this paperwork there have been mistakes made with birthdates and name spellings for everyone except V. Now it was V's turn. In flipping through the temp visas later I noticed that they had V down as born in Venezuela and as a Venezuelan/US dual citizen with a "VEN" passport! I asked her what she thought of Venezuela and she said that she couldn't remember it; she must have left when she was young.

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