Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Old Christmas

Yesterday (Jan. 6) was Old Christmas. My mother called from the US to wish us a happy Old Christmas and I gave the kids apples as a present. I suspect we are the last Appalachian family to remember and celebrate Old Christmas. My grandmother referred to it as "Old Folks Christmas."

V is off to London for a few days for a break. She has good timing. It has turned colder here and snowed some, about a quarter of an inch last night, but most of all it was very windy. I stopped by a lake on the way home last night and listened to the ice chirping as the lake froze over and the ice expanded against itself. Later the snow fall insulated the ice from the air and it started to melt again this morning before the sun was up.

1 comment:

David said...

I love hearing that ice chirping sound... well, as long as I'm not standing on it.