Saturday, November 21, 2009

Car is running again

So, the oil light kept coming on, I smelled oil burning, and sure-enough the car was leaking oil. We stopped to check and put more oil in. V pulled the dipstick out and the entire tube around it had broken off and came loose. This of course lead to jokes about her not touching anything connected to the engine again (especially after her "fixing" the radiator in our apartment on Easter Sunday 2008), but driving over teeth rattling cobblestones every day at 50 km/hr on the way to school probably did it. So we put the car in the shop to get it replaced and V and the kids went back to taking the indirect bus route to school and back. There was a series of miss-communications about when the car would be ready. "They needed to order a part; it would be ready tomorrow, ..." Tomorrow: "they needed to order a different part, it would be ready at 4pm ...". 4pm: "It's not ready, come back tomorrow ..." I'm not blaming them, the combination of V's and my German and their English could have lead to anything happening, but the dipstick tube did get replaced by the next weekend. The bolts had sheared off and rather than drilling and using a reverse-thread extractor to remove them, they just welded the new parts on. But this was not the end of the story. After replacing the dipstick tube the oil pressure switch was leaking oil (which we only noticed later after getting the car back). It was right next to where they had welded and a gasket was clearly bent on the switch where the oil was leaking out. We took it back and they replaced it for free, immediately. Now we have the car back and everything seems to be fine.

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