Saturday, December 19, 2009


Another living-in-Germany task is done ... I think. This is another one of those things that is very strange for Americans. Here there is a fee that has to be paid, about 18 euros a month, for having a TV and/or a radio ... ??? Also, since 2007 you have to pay the fee if you have a computer with internet access that could be used to watch video or listen to internet radio. I know I am being a foreigner, but taxing means of communication doesn't seem right to me. We have also heard stories that they can be very aggressive about the GEZ tax, going door to door and demanding to see your TV ... I've heard that Britain also has something like this, a TV police, so maybe it is a pan-European thing. Anyway, for a year we didn't have a TV or a radio or even a home internet connection so we didn't pay the tax and that was fine with me. I really dislike having too much TV around kids. It is addictive for both the kids (mindless, effortless entertainment) and parents (free child care) and in general very unhealthy. However, back when we were having so much trouble with the kids at school, several people suggested that TV would be a way to expose the kids to German language in a passive way and that it might help them learn to speak to other kids faster. I fell for it and we got a TV (as a gift to us actually). We also have a car now and it is obvious to any radio police that happen to walk by that there is a radio in it. So, I knew that we were supposed to register with the GEZ and pay the TV/radio fee, but how do we actually do that? V mentioned a website ( so I went over it and with the help of a colleague we are now registered (I think) and will get a quarterly bill in the mail so that we are as completely legal as possible.

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