But first lets review the pattern.
The triangular number series is generated by n(n-1)/2.
The square numbers are generated by n^2, but also as the sum of two consecutive triangular numbers n(n-1)/2 + n(n+1)/2, just as a square can geometrically be divided into two triangles.
The pentagonal numbers are sums of two consecutive triangular numbers, except with two of the smaller number: 2(n(n-1)/2) + n(n+1)/2
The hexagonal numbers of sums of a square number of two triangular numbers, and the square component can be reduced to two triangulars. This comes out to: 3(n(n-1)/2) + n(n+1)/2
The pattern emerging is, the figurate number series corresponding to an s sided polygon is (s-3)(n(n-1)/2) + n(n+1)/2
If this is true than the heptagonal numbers should be 4(n(n-1)/2) + n(n+1)/2. This gives 1, 7, 18, 34, 55, ... and these are the heptagonal numbers!
Also, two of the triangles can be combined to a square number which gives:
(s-4)(n(n-1)/2) + n^2
At this point I did some more searching online; this seems so obvious it must be out there. In fact there is a wikipedia page devoted to polygonial numbers that I missed before (I had been searching too specifically for "pentagonal numbers," "triangular numbers" or "figurate number"). Under formulae it says:
The nth s-gonal number is also related to the triangular numbers Tn as follows:

(s-3)(n(n-1)/2) + n(n+1)/2
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