Thursday, August 2, 2012

Schools, citizenship and assumptions

In Germany we had to put up with all kinds of false assumptions that were made based on us not being German/EU citizens, and quite a number of these surrounded the school system.  Well, in this case it has happened again in reverse and I am venting about it a bit here.

We are trying to get our children into the public school system after homeschooling them for a year since arriving in the US.  Our children were in German speaking schools in Germany.  We had planned to get them into ESL (English as a Second Language) classes here to get them up to speed in English.  However, we just found out that when we registered to home-school; the school system recorded into the computer system, without asking us, that our children have always used English and no other languages, so we do not qualify for ESL--apparently they assumed this because we are US citizens?  Today V explained that they have never had an English class, etc.  But the school administration said that once it is recorded into the system it can not be changed...  So now we have to try to figure out a way to appeal this.  I am sure if they were German citizens this would not have happened.  Again, and this is a reoccurring theme in my life, why couldn't they have just asked us instead of making up assumptions that have important impacts and can not be revised. 

Sometimes the whole world seems stacked against families that move or don't fit the mold.  Our job now is to work to revise this and also to make the people in the school system think twice about making assumptions, so that this, or something similar, is less likely to happen to the next family that moves here.  

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