Saturday, September 22, 2012

Garbage Disposal and Door Knob

The garbage disposal on our sink has been slowly leaking since we moved in so we put a plastic bin under it.  However, it then stopped working completely.  A few weeks ago I picked up a new one (I save the receipts for these kinds of home repairs to send to the landlord) and broke out the plumbers putty. 

These are easy to hook up.  Above I am connecting the wiring underneath (after turning off the breaker at the fuse box). 

Now it is all hooked up and not leaking.  However, ... 

The old switch connected to the disposal was a mess.  It wiggled, was hit and miss, and when we opened it up it literally fell apart.  So we picked up a replacement. 

At this point V stepped in.  She is the home wiring expert in the family (what gauge wire to use, type of switch, etc.)  Before we were married she worked for a while as an electrician wiring up buildings through conduit pipe. 

We even replaced the cover plate since the original one was cracked and inextricably dirty. 

Now V was on a roll.  The lock mechanism in door knob on our front screen/security door was jammed open.  The door wouldn't stay closed and would swing open on its own.  Plus it was impossible to lock with a key from the outside, the key would turn but the lock wouldn't hold.  So I picked up a replacement; also, it is not a bad idea to change locks and keys on a house after moving in anyway, especially when all of the old keys can't be accounted for. 

So V installed the new door handle/lock as well. 

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