Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Sea Hare!

In the pictures above and below you can see the latest addition to our aquarium.  M spotted this guy crawling around through our fake plant decorations.  He must have come in as a larvae in the fresh sea water we added to the tank.  I suspect this is a sea hare (Stylocheilus striatus) although it doesn't seem to exactly fit some of the descriptions I've found online.  The have big round "bodies" and two "ears" (tentacles) sticking up in front to resemble a hare sitting.  They do have a larval stage when they float around as microscopic plankton; I am just amazed that he grew so quickly and that we didn't notice him until recently.  I apologize for the picture quality; I am having a hard time focusing the lens through the side of the tank. 

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