Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trump leading the Republicans

I was really surprised to see the results of a Washington Post poll showing support for various republican candidates for the 2016 election.  Trump is leading with almost 25% support (blue upper left).  Trump, Walker, and Bush are the three front runners with almost half of all the support (blue, orange and yellow, left). 

If I were a member of the republican party I would be very embarrassed about this.  As a US citizen that cares about my country I am embarrassed that this is the best that one of the two major parties can come up with.  Again, maybe this just goes to show that we need to get rid of the party system in elections to keep it from becoming a farce of media clowns.

Here is how the democratic candidates are breaking down.

Clinton has a major lead.  I didn't used to have a problem with her until her support of the "patriot" act and Iraq war.  At this point I am either voting for Sanders or a third party candidate (which is also Sanders, he is not a declared democrat) in order to not throw my vote away showing false support for one of the two ruling parties.  The current green party candidates are Darryl Cherney, JillStein, Kent Mesplay, Bill Kreml and SKCM Curry.  The libertarian party candidates are Marc Feldman, Cecil Ince, Steve Kerbel, Darryl Perry, Derrick Michael Reid, and Joy Waymire

It seems self evident that no one person, or one political party, should be in control of the government pushing their agenda over other people.  Imagine if the representation of people better reflected the diversity of people in the United States. This would encourage working together to achieve common goals. 

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