Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, the little rat lied. In an earlier post I mentioned the German equivalent of groundhog day. Based on that day, we were supposed to get seven weeks of cloudy, rainy weather. However, it has been unusually warm and sunny here for the most part. This weekend the weather changed as a cold front came through and we got some heavy rain, but it has already burned off and now the wind blows almost constantly, but has trouble making up its mind what direction to go in. It is still raining in space however. In the last week I have seen several meteorites at night and just a little while ago, just after 2 am local, I saw three bright ones, one right after another, apparently originating somewhere between Cassiopeia (which looks like a hawk to me) and the Pleiades (seven sisters). We were told this was one of the rainiest places in Europe, but this spring was very warm and sunny too. V and I keep wondering if we accidentally relocated to a German colony in southern California (only without the smog), but the north star is too high in the sky for that latitude, so we must be in Germany.

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