Friday, February 8, 2008

Rebel Flag in Germany?

This morning I didn't got for a ride. I slept kind of late and needed to fix a loose bolt holding the front light on my bike. The nut had fell off and the light was about to fall off so I replaced the nut and tightened it down. By then it was time to go to work. At work we made up our first batch of food for the animals we're going to be working with ... and burned it. We will try again on Monday. For lunch I walked to town and tried to withdraw money from the bank, but I messed up the PIN number and it locked out my card. It should be released again in a few hours. When I got back I found that I had managed to leave the keys on my desk and lock myself out of the building. No one came to the buzzer, so I went for a walk. A couple of days ago I thought I saw a confederate flag early in the morning while I was riding my bike, so I went to check it out. Sure enough, there were the tattered remanins of a flag with a motorcycle on it flying over a small garden plot (surrounded by lots of other small garden plots and sheds). I can't imagine why it would be flying here in Germany. However, when I lived in upstate New York I often saw confederate flags there as well. ??? I had my camera in my daypack so here is a shot.


On the way back I noticed lots of small yellow flowers blooming. I'm told it is unseasonably warm here this winter.


When I got back someone was there to let me back in. There was a nice purple sunset from my office window.


I am heading to Amsterdam, Netherlands, this weekend, just to see it (I've never been there except for the airport last week). I grabbed some cheap tickets months ago. After all the mistakes I made today I think I could use a little break, and I have got a huge amount done at work this week (I just don't write about it here). Also, there is so much to do here that if I stayed in town I would be tempted to come in to work. See you in Amsterdam!


David said...

Have fun in Amsterdam. Be sure to get some fresh eels in the fish market if you go there.

newfrank said...

I spotted another Confederate flag. It was hanging in the back of the cab of a van bringing flowers to a store in town. Now that I think about it some more, Germany and the southern states do have rebuilding after a devastating war with the US in common. I might ask a local to see what their take on it is.