Friday, October 12, 2012

Cleaning the Old Vacuum Pump § 2

Next came cleaning up the pump itself.  I drained the old oil out, which was black.  The took it apart. 

I got the rotor housing out.  The case around it was full of brown sludge from dust and rust mixed in the old oil.  So I cleaned that out and scrubbed everything. 

Above you can see one of the actual rotors (it is a two-stage pump). 

I put it all back together and need to get some more oil to add, then fire it up and see if it works. 

1 comment:

rotodynamiccom said...

Industrial Pump Suppliers
The pictorial demonstration how to clean old vacuum cleaner is useful. There are available various types of new vacuum pumps in affordable price, then why take risk for cleaning the old one?