Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It is a nice sunny day today so for lunch I took T to town (V and M were off shopping).

Along the way we stopped at the fisherman's holding tank and he spotted two sturgeons. He talked the rest of the way about getting a boat and going fishing in the lake.

In town he picked out a berliner for a snack. This is a glazed jelly donut. It gives a twist to the speech president Kennedy gave when he traveled to Berlin in 1963 to protest the Berlin wall and said boldly to the Soviet Empire "I am a Jelly Donut."

When we returned I met the handyman in the stairwell and he had our new mailbox keys and came up and fixed the water in the kitchen (no cold water, V tried to turn it on and water sprayed everywhere, he did the same thing but got it working) and the handle to the balcony. Our balcony is now finished and I left back to work with T standing out on it waving bye to me.

1 comment:

David said...

"I am a Jelly Donut." hahahaha