Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Junk Day

Yesterday evening there were piles of junk placed out on the sidewalks in various places (chairs, boards, darts, boxes, ...), and people digging through them and carting stuff off. V has heard about this and said it must be the junk day when, in the next morning, they come along and pick up the junk that is left out; sure enough, this morning it was almost all gone. It is supposed to be monthly, so next month if we need to get rid of anything I know how to do it.

Yesterday I also took the kids to town for lunch to give V a break. Evidently it was also market day and they were just packing up in the square from the morning. We will have to try to go to it next week. T had enough saved up for a Star Wars Lego set he has wanted and M had some money so they went into a store to by things. I forced them to buy it themselves and waited at the front. T did very well and asked "Sprechen Sie English" and "danke" to the woman at the cash register. M made up for not speaking with her charm and bought a small puzzle. They both said "tschuse" as we left, which the woman thought was charming.

Today there was a fresh coat of snow on the ground, about a half inch. In the afternoon we went to the Rathaus (courthouse) to register at our new address. I took all of our passports and they filled out the forms on the computer. We are now all officially Ploeners. On the way back I introduced the kids to a Turkish man that lives in Ploen and I have talked to from time to time. He is very nice but doesn't speak a word of English so talking to him forces me to practice German.

1 comment:

David said...

Bad day to take a nap on that old couch.