Monday, April 9, 2012

Good for something

I found a use for these fake vaseline glass cups.  They have grooves cut around them that are perfect for bending copper wire into circles.  I used some 16 gauge antenna wire for the circles and 22 gauge finer wire to tie them together.  (This brings to mind an aircraft mechanic I met once that used wire to hold all kinds of things together; he even had a special tool to twist and tie off the wire.)  On the right is the result of three loops connected at equal spacing.  It is hard to see this from a flat 2-D image but the outline is the same as an eight-sided octahedron projected onto a sphere. 

The wire frame on the left (at top) is the result of four equally spaced loops and are what you get if you project a cuboctahedron (an octahedron with square faces, blue, added between the triangles, red and yellow; cube+octahedron) onto a sphere. 

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