Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hawaiian elephant spider

A closeup of a rare elephant spider crawling on the front steps of our house!   

Actually this is a pink-spotted hawkmoth (Agrius cingulata).  The hawkmoth family (Sphingidae) includes some fascinating species such as the bee hummingbirds (and here) and the death-head moth from Dracula (I want to make a note about new media based on older media in a later post).  Also, look at this Oleander Hawkmoth

V was returning from the grocery store after dark so we left the porch light "burning" for her.  Then M noticed this large moth flying near the light.  When trying to identify it I got quite excited at one point and thought it might be the endangered Blackburn's Sphinx Moth, but it is a pink spotted hawkmoth instead.  They are found in Central and South America and are long distance migrants.  They occasionally show up in West Africa and Europe and are naturally found in Hawaii and the Galapagos.

Here it is parked next to a house gecko hanging around by the light, to give an idea of size.

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