Thursday, January 5, 2012


We had a lot of vog on the third, which I am told is common this time of year.  It sounds like the name of a character in a bad science fiction film.  However, vog is a combination of "volcanic" and "fog."  (Like smog is a combination of "smoke" and "fog.")  It is possibly the shortest portmanteau word (combination words like liger).  It is formed from sulfur oxides, from volcanic gases released on the big island, reacting in the air.  It creates an acidic aerosol but we didn't notice any problems breathing it.  In the picture above part of a hillside is in the foreground.  At the lower edge you can see the shore.  Normally the ocean horizon is visible midway up in the distance but it is completely obscured here.

 Here is a view with less vog for comparison above and an even clearer day below.

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