Sunday, January 15, 2012

Uh-Oh and German dozens

When we got home from the grocery store yesterday, V was putting away groceries and getting ready to fix supper.  She turned her back for a second and F exploited the opportunity to explore a new corner of the house.  By the way, she is a very fast crawler now when she wants to be.  I heard a shriek from V and came running.  F learned an important new property about eggs when they are dropped.

This reminds me of something I think I forgot to post about in Germany.  In the US we are used to buying eggs in a carton of a dozen (or at least multiples of 6 like the carton of 18 above).  When we bought cartons of eggs in Germany something looked off about them, then you realize there are only 10 eggs in the carton, not a dozen.  After a while we jokingly referred to 10 as a "German dozen."

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