Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Work Visa

I got up before sunrise, which this time of year isn't difficult, and went for a bike ride as soon as there was enough light. This time I tried to circumnavagate the Schöhsee, a lake near Plön. It was very dark when I started out and two things happened right away. I missed my turn and I thought I saw a confederate flag, but I wasn't sure (sometime I'll go back and check on that). I went until I was next to another lake and descided I had gone too far so I turned back and missed my turn again. So I turned around, again, and finally found my way around the lake on a dirt road.

This afternoon I went to the 'county office' to start applying for my work visa. I spent some time waiting in line, at least an hour, I'm suprised there were so many other families also applying. When it was my turn, I had all the paperwork I needed (passport, photo, letter of invitation, residency registation) except for one thing, a health certificate. I explained that we do not have this kind of form in America so it is impossible for me to get one and they said ... not to worry. This suprised me as I have had horror stories told to me about how byzantine and inflexible German beuracracy can be. The officer even came around the desk and helped translate the entries on the form I had to fill out. After that was done they handed me a certificate and now I wait for an official letter to come, then I'm supposed to return to complete the process. Sure it takes time and there is various paperwork to do in various places, but so far I must say I am pleasently suprised at how easy everything has been and how friendly the people have been at work, at the city office, the county office, and the bank. I can't complain if this continues.

In other news, more of our future apartment is destroyed. The roof tiles have now been ripped out over the living room as well, the old window is lying in a heap of rubble in the yard and as I walked by the second time today the workers seemed to be frantically stapleing a tarp to the 2x4s to get it covered as a rain storm was coming in. I will continue to monitor the project with much curiosity. I'm not alone in this, a crowd of passer bys had formed on the sidewalk before I got there watching the work just before the rain.


David said...

Is all of the commotion because you are moving in?

taurals travels said...

glad to hear that you have made the move and integrated yourself into das Plönerische Leben so well. I've enjoyed your posts and am looking forward to reading more.
all the best form the Black Forest,
Taural (www.mygermanyonline.com)

newfrank said...

Commotion - perhaps, but they probably were planning on rennovating anyway and before someone moves in is a good time.